



PRIS loyalty program is like no other. We aim to ride along all our members, understand them, and be their loyal companion that fills their needs at every stop of their way. With time, we want to grow. Country by country, become a community ready to ride and win along all of our members.

Now e-register to PRIS Programme! Get Started

PRIS loyalty program is like no other. We aim to ride along all our members, understand them, and be their loyal companion that fills their needs at every stop of their way. With time, we want to grow. Country by country, become a community ready to ride and win along all of our members.

Track Rewards on the go!

Download the PRIS app and keep track of all your points.

Scan the QR code to download the app.


Do you need to contact Puma Pris Support?

Untitled PrisProgramme_argentina

Registrarse es GRATIS. Solo tenés que descargar la APP Puma Pris Argentina, registrarte y ya podés comenzar a usarla.

Pagá tus consumos de forma rápida y segura escaneando el código QR.

Suma puntos Pris con cada compra y canjealos por descuentos en combustibles o en Tiendas Super 7.

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